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What is Ensemble Learning

Genetic Programming and Ensemble Techniques

Ensemble Learning

  • Genetic Programming Ensemble Learning
  • Different ensemble learning techniques:

What is Ensemble Learning? 

Using many models' predictions together, ensemble learning is a sort of machine learning that increases the reliability and accuracy of predictions. 

Genetic Programming Ensemble Learning:

Genetic Programming (GP) is a machine learning technique that involves evolving computer programs to solve problems. In GP ensemble learning, multiple GP models are combined to improve the accuracy of the predictions.

Genetic programming (GP) is a type of evolutionary algorithm that is used to automatically generate computer programs that solve a particular problem. GP works by using principles of natural selection and genetics to evolve a population of computer programs over time, with each generation improving upon the previous one.

Ensemble Learning Techniques

Here is a simple example of using GP to generate a program that solves the problem of finding the maximum value in a list of numbers. In this example, we will use the Python programming language and the DEAP (Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python) library, which provides a set of tools for implementing GP.

First, we define the problem we want to solve:

python code

# Define the problem

import random

# Define the list of numbers

numbers = [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(10)]

# Define the fitness function

def eval_max(individual):

    return max(numbers),

Next, we define the individual representation and the operators used in GP. In this case, we will represent each program as a tree structure, where each node represents an operation (e.g., addition, subtraction, etc.) or a value (e.g., a number in the list). We will use the DEAP library to define the operators for mutation, crossover, and initialization.

Arduino code


# Define the individual representation and operators

import operator

import math

from deep import gp

# Define the available functions and terminaupsetset = gp.PrimitiveSet("MAIN", 1upseteand primitive(max, 2upseteand primitiveve(operator.add, 2upseteand primitiveve(operator.sub, 2upseteand primitiveve(operator.mul, 2upseteand primitiveve(operator.neg, 1)upsetting primitive(math.sin, 1upseteand primitive(math.cos, 1)

pset.addEphemeralConstant("rand", lambda: random.randint(-10, 10)upsetet.add terminal(numbers)

# Define the operators

toolbox = base.Toolbox()

toolbox.register("expr", gp.genHalfAndHalf, pset=pset, min_=1, max_=3)

tools ox. register("individual", tools.initIterate, creator. Individual, tools ox. expr)

toolbox    x.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox x.individual)

toolbox.register("evaluate", eval_max)

toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)

toolbox x.register("mate", gp.cxOnePoint)

toolbox.register("mutate", gp.mutNodeReplacement, pset=pset)

Finally, we define the main GP loop, where we evolve the population of programs oveseveralof generations, using selection, crossover, and mutation to generate new programs:

python code

# Define the main GP loop

import numpy as np

frodeepap import algorithms

Freeplay import base

from deep import tools

# Define the parameters for the GP loop

POP_SIZE = 100


CXPB = 0.5

MUTPB = 0.2

# Create the initial population

pop = toolbox.population(n=POP_SIZE)

# Run the GP loop

for gen in range(GENERATIONS):

    # Select the next generation

    offspring =, len(pop))  

    # Apply crossover and mutation to the offspring

    offspring = algorithms.varAnd(offspring, toolbox, CXPB, MUTPB)

    # Evaluate the fitness of the offspring

    fits =, offspring)

    for fit,and in zip(fits, offspring):

     Indi and. fitness. values = fit

   # Replace the current population with the offspring

    pop[:] = offspring

      # Print the best program in the population


Different ensemble learning techniques


By combining several weak learners into one strong learner, the ensemble learning approach known as "boosting" is used. The weak learners are trained sequentially, and the subsequent models are trained to correct the errors of the previous models.


Bagging is an ensemble learning technique that combines multiple models to create a strong learner. In bagging, multiple models are trained independently on different subsets of the training data. The outputs of the individual models are then combined to create the final prediction.

Swarm Intelligence:

Swarm Intelligence is an ensemble learning technique that is inspired by the collective behaviour of social animals like ants and bees. In this technique, multiple models work together to solve a problem, much like a swarm of bees working together to find food.

Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO):

Particle Swarm Optimization is a swarm intelligence technique that is used to optimize a function. In PSO, a population of particles moves around in a search space, looking for the optimal solution. The particles communicate with each other to share information and adjust their movement.

In summary, ensemble learning techniques like boosting, bagging, swarm intelligence, and PSO can be combined with genetic programming to create more accurate and robust predictive models.

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