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What is Concept Learning

 Concept Learning task and Concept learning search

Concept of Learning definition

Concept learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on learning the underlying structure or concept behind a set of examples. 

  • Introduction

  • Concept learning task
  • Concept learning as search
  • find-S: finding a maximally specific hypothesis
  • Version spaces and the candidate

Concept learning skills


Concept learning is the process of learning rules or patterns from data to identify the underlying concepts or categories. In machine learning, concept learning involves learning from labelled data to create a model that can accurately classify new, unlabelled data.

Concept learning task

A concept learning task involves identifying the rules or patterns that define a particular concept. For example, in a medical diagnosis problem, the concept might be to diagnose whether a patient has a particular disease based on their symptoms and medical history.

Concept learning can be viewed as a search problem, where the goal is to find the hypothesis that best matches the underlying concept. The search space includes all possible hypotheses, which can be represented as a set of rules or decision trees.

Concept learning as search

The general to specific ordering is a common approach to concept learning, where the search starts with a very general hypothesis that covers all possible instances, and then narrows down to a more specific hypothesis that accurately captures the underlying concept. This approach is often referred to as a top-down or deductive approach.

Find-S: finding a maximally specific hypothesis

One popular algorithm for finding the maximally specific hypothesis is the find-S algorithm. The find-S algorithm starts with the most specific hypothesis that covers only the first positive instance in the data, and then iteratively generalizes the hypothesis by adding more attributes or values that cover additional positive instances, while ensuring that it remains consistent with the negative instances.

Version spaces are a way to represent the set of all consistent hypotheses given a set of training examples. The version space consists of the set of maximally specific hypotheses and the set of maximally general hypotheses, as well as all the hypotheses in between that are consistent with the training examples. The candidate elimination algorithm is a popular algorithm for maintaining the version space during concept learning, by iteratively removing hypotheses that are inconsistent with the data.

Version spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm:

Version spaces are a way to represent the set of all consistent hypotheses given a set of training examples. The version space consists of the set of maximally specific hypotheses and the set of maximally general hypotheses, as well as all the hypotheses in between that are consistent with the training examples.

The candidate elimination algorithm is a popular algorithm for maintaining the version space during concept learning, by iteratively removing hypotheses that are inconsistent with the data. The algorithm starts with the most specific and most general hypotheses, and then iteratively refines the version space by removing hypotheses that are inconsistent with the training examples.


  • Initialize the version space with the most specific and most general hypotheses.
  • For each positive training example, remove from the version space any hypothesis that does not cover the example.
  • For each negative training example, remove from the version space any hypothesis that covers the example.
  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence, where the version space contains only consistent hypotheses.

python code

import numpy as np

def candidate_elimination(examples):

    num_features = examples.shape[1] - 1  # number of features in the dataset

    version_space = [{(None, None)}] * num_features 

# initialize with the most specific and most general hypotheses

        for example in examples:

        x, y = example[:-1], example[-1]  # input features and target label       

        # check positive examples

        if y == 1:

            for i in range(num_features):

                for hypothesis in version_space[i].copy():

                    if hypothesis[0] is not None and x[i] != hypothesis[0]:


                    if hypothesis[1] is not None and x[i] != hypothesis[1]:


        # check negative examples


            for i in range(num_features):

                for hypothesis in version_space[i].copy():

                    if hypothesis[0] is not None and x[i] == hypothesis[0]:


                        version_space[i].add((hypothesis[0], None))

                    if hypothesis[1] is not None and x[i] == hypothesis[1]:


                        version_space[i].add((None, hypothesis[1]))  

    return version_space

Concept learning of Remote Learning

Remarks on version spaces and candidate elimination:

The version space and candidate elimination algorithm provides a principled way to represent and update the set of consistent hypotheses during concept learning. However, the version space can become very large for complex datasets with many features, making it computationally expensive to maintain. In addition, the algorithm assumes that the data is noise-free and that the target concept can be represented by a finite set of hypotheses, which may not be true in practice.

Previous(Well-posed learning)

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