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What is Decision Tree Learning

 Decision Tree Machine Learning

What is Decision Tree Learning?

Using a tree-like representation of decisions and potential outcomes, decision trees are a sort of machine-learning technique that employs predictions.

Decision Tree Learning Steps:

  • Appropriate Problems for Decision Tree Learning
  • The Basic Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
  • Hypothesis Space Search in Decision Tree Learning
  • Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning
  • Issues in Decision Tree Learning
Concept of Decision Tree Learning

Introduction and Representation

Decision tree learning is a popular and powerful approach to supervised learning, used for solving classification and regression problems. Each internal node in a decision tree represents a test on an attribute, each branch represents the test's result, and each leaf node serves as its node, and represents a class label or a numerical value. Decision tree learning involves constructing a decision tree from a set of training examples, which can then be used to make predictions on new data.


A decision tree can be represented as a set of rules, where each rule is a path from the root of the tree to a leaf node. Each rule specifies a condition on the input features and a corresponding output label or value. For example, a rule for classifying animals might be "If the animal has wings and feathers, then it is a bird"

Appropriate Problems for Decision Tree Learning:

Decision tree learning is particularly well-suited for problems with discrete or categorical features, where the decision tree can easily partition the feature space into regions associated with different classes or values. It is also effective for problems with non-linear relationships between the input features and output labels since decision trees can model non-linear relationships using a series of simple tests.

The Basic Decision Tree Learning Algorithm:

The basic decision tree learning algorithm is a recursive algorithm that selects the best attribute to split the data based on a purity metric, such as information gain or Gini impurity. The algorithm then partitions the data into subsets based on the attribute value and recursively applies the algorithm to each subset until a stopping criterion is met. The resulting decision tree is then pruned to reduce overfitting.

Hypothesis Space Search in Decision Tree Learning:

The hypothesis space in decision tree learning is the set of all possible decision trees that can be constructed from the training data. Since the hypothesis space is exponential in the number of attributes and training examples, it is not feasible to exhaustively search the space. Instead, the basic decision tree learning algorithm uses a greedy strategy to select the best attribute at each node, which may not lead to the optimal tree.

Inductive Bias in Decision Tree Learning:

Inductive bias refers to the set of assumptions or prior knowledge that a learning algorithm uses to guide its search for the underlying concept. The choice of inductive bias can affect the performance and generalization ability of the learning algorithm.

For example, a decision tree algorithm has an inductive bias towards simple, axis-aligned splits in the data, which may not be appropriate for complex datasets with non-linear relationships. On the other hand, a neural network algorithm has an inductive bias towards non-linear relationships but may require more data and computational resources to train effectively. The choice of inductive bias should be carefully considered based on the nature of the problem and the available data.

The choice of inductive bias in decision tree learning can significantly affect the resulting decision tree. For example, a decision tree algorithm may have a bias towards attributes with high information gain, which may not be appropriate for all problems. The choice of bias should be carefully considered based on the nature of the problem and the available data.

Issues in Decision Tree Learning:

One issue in decision tree learning is overfitting, where the decision tree becomes too complex and captures noise in the data, leading to poor generalization performance on new data. This can be addressed by pruning the decision tree or using ensemble methods such as random forests. Another issue is handling continuous or numerical features, which requires discretizing the feature space or using specialized algorithms such as regression trees.

    Basic decision tree learning algorithm

The basic decision tree learning algorithm involves recursively selecting the best attribute to split the data based on a purity metric, partitioning the data into subsets based on the attribute value, and continuing until a stopping criterion is met. 


  • If all examples have the same class label, create a leaf node with that label and return it.
  • If there are no remaining attributes to split on, create a leaf node with the majority class label and return.
  • Otherwise, select the best attribute to split the data based on a purity metric (such as information gain or Gini impurity).
  • Create a new internal node for the selected attribute and add it to the decision tree.
  • For each possible value of the selected attribute, partition the data into subsets and recursively apply the algorithm to each subset.

An example implementation of the basic decision tree learning algorithm in Python:

import numpy as np

class Node:

    def __init__(self, attribute=None, value=None, children=None, label=None):

        self.attribute = attribute  # attribute to split on

        self.value = value  # value of attribute to split on

        self.children = children or {}  # mapping of attribute values to child nodes

        self.label = label  # class label for leaf node

def decision_tree_learning(examples, attributes):

    # Check for base cases

    labels = [ex[-1] for ex in examples]

    if len(set(labels)) == 1:

        return Node(label=labels[0])

    if not attributes:

        return Node(label=max(set(labels), key=labels.count)) 

    # Select best attribute to split on

    gains = [information_gain(examples, attr) for attr in attributes]

    best_attr = attributes[np.argmax(gains)]

     # Create new internal node for selected attribute

    root = Node(attribute=best_attr)


    # Recursively apply algorithm to subsets

    for value in set(examples[:, best_attr]):

        subset = examples[examples[:, best_attr] == value]

        if subset.shape[0] == 0:

            root.children[value] = Node(label=max(set(labels), key=labels.count))


            root.children[value] = decision_tree_learning(subset, attributes[:])

    return root

def information_gain(examples, attribute):

    # Compute entropy of entire dataset

    labels = [ex[-1] for ex in examples]

    entropy = calc_entropy(labels)

    # Compute entropy of subsets based on attribute values

    attr_values = set(examples[:, attribute])

    attr_entropy = 0.0

    for value in attr_values:

        subset = examples[examples[:, attribute] == value]

        prob = len(subset) / float(len(examples))

        attr_entropy += prob * calc_entropy([ex[-1] for ex in subset])

      return entropy - attr_entropy

def calc_entropy(labels):

    counts = np.bincount(labels)

    probs = counts / float(len(labels))

    return -np.sum(probs * np.log2(probs + 1e-10))

# Example usage

data = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]])

attributes = [0, 1]

tree = decision_tree_learning(data, attributes)

The decision_tree_learning function takes in a set of training examples and a list of attributes and recursively constructs a decision tree by selecting the attribute that provides the most information gained at each step until a leaf node is reached.

The information_gain function calculates the information gain for each attribute, which is the difference between the entropy of the entire dataset and the entropy of the subsets created based on the attribute values.

The calc_entropy function computes the entropy of a set of labels, which is a measure of the impurity of the set.

The Node class represents a node in the decision tree and has attributes for the attribute to split on, the value of the attribute to split on, the children of the node, and the label for a leaf node.

The example usage section shows how the decision_tree_learning function can be used with a small dataset and a set of attributes to construct a decision tree.

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